
Welcome to a world where dissent is unthinkable and privacy is a distant memory. In this high stakes environment, delegates will take up positions within the 4 ministries of Oceania: love, truth, peace and plenty and will be charged with maintaining control while navigating the challenges that come with power and secrecy alongside with maintaining absolute control over the regime. The delegate’s challenges will include navigating the war in Eurasia - did we say that it’s obviously no we didn’t it’s Eastasia-, managing all access to information, stop the word of the brotherhood from spreading, quell economic inequality, managing room 101 and more importantly keep an eye out for internal espionage efforts. However, they must always remain with one warning in mind: Big Brother is watching them.

To be Announced

To be Announced
Crisis Staff

To be Announced

To be Announced
Crisis Staff

To be Announced
Crisis Director

To be Announced
Crisis Staff

To be Announced
Assistant Crisis Director